11 Best Compound Exercises for Weight Loss (2024)

11 Best Compound Exercises for Weight Loss (1)

When you're ready to ramp up your weight-loss journey, few exercises rival the effectiveness of compound movements in the gym. These powerhouse exercises kickstart your metabolism, help you sculpt lean muscle, and enhance your overall strength. Compound exercises, which are known for engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously, allow you to lift heavier weights, intensifying your workouts. To help you implement this type of exercise into your fitness routine, I have 11 of the best compound exercises for weight loss you can possibly do.

Due to their high energy demand, you'll typically position compound exercises at the beginning of your workouts. These exercises include well-known moves like squats, pushups, deadlifts, lunges, and rows, yet a wealth of others can add depth to your regimen and amplify your fat-burning potential. While compound exercises are ideal for strength training and muscle hypertrophy, they are seamlessly adaptable to HIIT and interval training as well, creating versatile and effective workouts.

Below, I'm sharing my top 11 compound exercises for weight loss. Each exercise is accompanied by insights into its effectiveness, detailed instructions on proper form, and recommendations for sets and reps to optimize your results.

1. Dumbbell Bench Press

11 Best Compound Exercises for Weight Loss (2)

Incorporating dumbbells into compound movements enhances their weight-loss potential by increasing stability demands and engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously. The dumbbell bench press, for instance, targets the chest, delts, triceps, and core, effectively sculpting key upper-body muscles while boosting overall strength and stability.

Start by sitting on a flat bench with the dumbbells at shoulder height and your palms facing inward. Press the dumbbells until your arms are straight, then lower them slowly until they tap your shoulders. Next, push the dumbbells back up, squeezing your chest and tricep muscles. Keep your feet flat on the floor and your core engaged. Perform three sets of 12 to 15 reps with 60 seconds of rest between sets.

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2. Barbell Deadlifts

11 Best Compound Exercises for Weight Loss (3)

The barbell deadlift is a superb compound exercise for weight loss because it engages numerous muscle groups with each rep, promoting calorie burn and muscle development. Deadlifts are an excellent exercise for improving body composition as they target major muscle groups in both the lower and upper body, including the quads, glutes, hamstrings, lats, mid and upper back, and arms.

Start with your feet shoulder-width apart to set up for deadlifts. Next, bend your knees, and push your hips back to reach down and grip the barbell (or equipment you're using). Push through your heels, and bring your hips forward to stand up, squeezing your glutes. Keep your back straight, core tight, and the bar close to your shins as you move. Carefully return the bar to the floor by reversing the movement. Complete three sets of eight to 12 reps with 60 seconds of rest between sets.

3. Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows

11 Best Compound Exercises for Weight Loss (4)

Dumbbell row variations primarily target the upper back muscles, including the lats, rhomboids, and rear delts, while also engaging the biceps and forearms for added strength and definition. Plus, they rely on core engagement to stabilize the torso, creating more work and muscle engagement to increase caloric expenditure.

To execute the dumbbell row exercise, stand with your feet hip-width apart, and hinge forward with a flat back until your upper body is nearly parallel to the floor. Reach out with your non-rowing hand for stability, and support yourself on a bench, box, or rack. Hold a dumbbell in your hand, allowing your arm to straighten. Pull your elbow up along the sides, engaging the back muscles in a rowing motion. Slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. Perform 15 to 20 reps with 60 seconds of rest between sets.

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4. Back Squats

11 Best Compound Exercises for Weight Loss (5)

Back squats are a stellar compound exercise for boosting your metabolism as they recruit numerous large muscle groups, triggering a significant calorie burn and promoting lean muscle growth. They primarily target the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, and lower back while also engaging the core and stabilizer muscles for improved strength and balance.

Start by stepping underneath the bar, squeezing your shoulder blades together, and positioning the barbell on your traps. Have your feet firmly planted on the floor and your hands gripping the bar close to your shoulders. Brace your core, unrack the barbell, and take one or two steps backward, adjusting your feet to hip-width apart. Maintain a proud chest as you squat down, ensuring your quads are parallel to the floor and your knees align with your toes. Drive through your feet to return to the starting position, completing the movement. Complete eight to 12 reps with 90 seconds of rest between sets.

5. Shoulder Presses

11 Best Compound Exercises for Weight Loss (6)

Shoulder presses are a renowned compound exercise for weight loss as they engage multiple muscle groups in the upper body, leading to improved muscle definition. This exercise primarily targets the deltoid muscles of the shoulders while also engaging the triceps and upper chest muscles for added strength and toning. To make presses even more effective, utilize single-arm, alternating, or slow-rep variations!

Start by sitting on a bench with back support, and grip a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder level, palms facing forward. Press the dumbbells overhead until your arms straighten, keeping your elbows slightly bent to avoid locking them. Lower the dumbbells back to shoulder height, and repeat for the desired reps. Perform three sets of 12 to 15 reps with 60 seconds of rest between sets.

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6. Front Squats

11 Best Compound Exercises for Weight Loss (7)

Front squats are notorious for targeting the quadriceps, glutes, and core while engaging the upper back and shoulders to maintain proper posture and stability. If you've experienced a few sets of front squats, you know firsthand their intense nature and their remarkable ability to engage and strengthen your abs.

Step under the bar, and grip it close to your shoulders, ensuring your feet are planted on the floor and your elbows are up. Brace your core, and unrack the barbell, then take a couple of steps back, positioning your feet hip-width apart. With your chest and elbows up, squat until your thighs reach parallel to the floor or lower, ensuring your knees track over your toes. Drive through your feet to return to the starting position, completing the squat. Complete eight to 12 reps with 90 seconds of rest between sets.

7. Lunges

11 Best Compound Exercises for Weight Loss (8)

Lunges are responsible for single-handedly single-legging your weight to weight loss. (Get it?) Lunges offer a versatile and effective way to ramp up your calorie-burning workouts, sculpting and defining key muscle groups such as the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Various lunge variations provide a dynamic and engaging element to your routine, ensuring your workouts remain enjoyable and stimulating.

Start with your feet hip-width apart. Step forward with your right foot, ensuring your knee aligns with the ankle, and lower the back knee above the ground. Push through your right foot to bring the left foot forward into the next lunge. Alternate legs with each step, maintain an upright posture, engage your core for stability, and maintain a smooth, controlled movement. Repeat for the desired number of reps or distance. Perform three sets of 12 to 20 reps per side with 45 to 60 seconds of rest between sets.

8. Pull-ups

11 Best Compound Exercises for Weight Loss (9)

Pull-ups are one of the best exercises to program in your workouts for shredding and defining the upper and mid back. You'll engage your lats, rhomboids, traps, and other prominent back muscles while showing a little love to your biceps and forearms.

Grab the pull-up bar with an overhand grip, shoulder-width apart, ensuring your arms are straight. Squeezing the lats, upper back, and arms, pull yourself up until your chest is at the bar. Lower yourself with control, keeping your lats, upper back, and arms tight until your arms are straight. If you don't quite have the strength to perform a full range of motion pull-up, use controlled lowerings or snag some assistance from bands. Complete three sets of eight to 10 reps with 90 seconds of rest between sets. If using assisted pull-ups, bump the reps up to 10 to 15.

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9. RDLs

11 Best Compound Exercises for Weight Loss (10)

RDLs are the posterior facilitator of lean muscle mass, definition, and enhancing your fat-burning abilities. Switch up your RDls using variations such as slow reps, staggered stances, and even elevated toes to target the hammies and glutes.

Begin with a barbell or dumbbell in each hand, feet hip-width apart, maintaining a straight back and keeping your shoulders engaged. Hinge at your hips, lowering the dumbbells while keeping your knees slightly bent until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings. Drive hips forward to return to start, engaging hamstrings and glutes throughout. Perform three sets of eight to 12 reps per side with 60 seconds of rest between sets.

10. Split Squats

11 Best Compound Exercises for Weight Loss (11)

Split squats deliver similar benefits and target the same muscle groups as lunge variations but with an added intensity. They engage muscles such as the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes while activating stabilizer muscles for enhanced balance and strength. By incorporating "time under tension," split squats maximize muscle engagement throughout each repetition, resulting in greater muscle definition and endurance gains.

Begin by assuming a hip-width stance, and step one foot forward. Elevate your back foot on a workout bench. Next, lower your back knee to the ground until it's slightly above it. Maintain an upright torso, activate your core, and push through your front foot to return to the start position. Keep a solid posture throughout. Complete three sets of eight to 12 reps per side with a 90-second rest between sets.

11. Thrusters

11 Best Compound Exercises for Weight Loss (12)

Thrusters are a phenomenal exercise for weight loss, combining a squat and overhead press into one dynamic movement that torches calories and ramps up your metabolism. This compound exercise engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously, including the quadriceps, glutes, shoulders, and triceps, making it incredibly effective for building strength and burning fat. Incorporating thrusters into your workouts can help you achieve a leaner physique while improving overall cardiovascular health and muscular endurance.

Hold a pair of dumbbells at shoulder height with your palms inward, standing shoulder-width apart. Squat, and then press the dumbbells overhead while driving with your legs to stand. Lower them back to shoulder height as you descend into the next squat. Perform three to four rounds of continuous reps for 45 seconds with 30 seconds of rest between rounds.

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11 Best Compound Exercises for Weight Loss (2024)


Can you lose weight with compound exercises? ›

If you're short on time in the gym, performing compound exercises will build muscle, burn calories for weight loss, and increase strength quickly. The health benefits of compound exercises are numerous and include: Burns calories quickly.

What is the number 1 exercise to lose weight? ›

It is also observed that an individual can reduce their body fat by an average of 1.5% and waist circumference by 2.8 cm by walking for 50-70 minutes 3 times per week. Jogging and Running are considered to be the king of weight loss exercises. These exercises are total body integrated exercises.

What is the 3 2 1 method for weight loss? ›

The numbers stand for three days of strength training, two days of Pilates, and one day of cardio, which could be anything from running to walking. The schedule might help those who have trouble staying consistent and the diverse types of movements will activate different muscle groups.

What are the 5 big compound exercises? ›

The big 5 lifts include:
  • Deadlift.
  • Bench Press.
  • Squat.
  • Shoulder Press.
  • Pull-Up.

Do compound lifts burn belly fat? ›

Kick your body into its fat-burning gear with these moves. When it comes to shrinking belly fat, you need to focus on compound exercises that hit multiple muscle groups, and use enough resistance to challenge your muscles, rev up your metabolism, and kick your body into its fat-burning gear.

What are the negatives of compound exercises? ›

CONs of Compound Exercises

Muscles can be left behind- Take the squat for example. There are many ways to perform a squat and each might emphasize a different muscle group a bit more. The way I squat heavily activates the glutes which accounted for my subpar results on the isolated quad strength test.

What exercise burns the most belly fat? ›

Some of the best exercises to burn fat include planks, Russian twists, and bicycle crunches. These exercises target the core muscles, helping to tone and tighten your midsection. Creating a routine is essential for achieving your fitness goals. Start with a warm-up to prepare your body for the workout.

What is the 1 best exercise to lose belly fat? ›

Aerobic exercise includes any activity that raises your heart rate such as walking, dancing, running or swimming. This can also include doing housework, gardening and playing with your children. Other types of exercise such as strength training, Pilates and yoga can also help you lose belly fat.

What is the 4 30 10 method for weight loss? ›

The “4-30-10” method is a way of structuring a weekly workout plan: 4 – four strength training workouts per week. 30 – 30 grams of protein at breakfast, lunch and dinner. 10 – ten thousand steps per day (for reference, 10,000 steps is approximately five miles).

How to lose 20 pounds in 3 month? ›

Here are the 10 best ways to quickly and safely drop 20 pounds.
  1. Count calories. ...
  2. Drink more water. ...
  3. Increase your protein intake. ...
  4. Reduce your refined carb consumption. ...
  5. Start lifting weights. ...
  6. Eat more fiber. ...
  7. Follow a sleep schedule. ...
  8. Add cardio to your routine.

How do I restart my metabolism? ›

What can you do to restart your metabolism?
  1. Strength train. Incorporating some strength training into your workout routine is a terrific way to fire up your metabolism. ...
  2. Choose a cardio activity. ...
  3. Try a HIIT workout. ...
  4. Add protein. ...
  5. Say yes to spicy foods. ...
  6. Avoid alcohol. ...
  7. Use caffeine in moderation. ...
  8. Drink plenty of water.
Oct 27, 2023

How to lose 50 pounds in 3 months at home? ›

Reduce your daily calorie intake by about 500.

To lose 50 pounds in three months, you will need to create a weekly calorie deficit of at least 14,000 calories, in order to lose about four pounds a week. That means you will need to create a 2,000 calorie daily deficit.

What is the best overall compound exercise? ›

Below, we've listed a compound workout that is the most effective in building muscle across all of your major muscle groups.
  • 1 - Squats.
  • 2 - Barbell hip raises.
  • 3 - Deadlifts.
  • 4 - Incline bench press.
  • 5 - Clean and press.
  • 6 - Parallel dips.
  • 7 - Pull ups.
Jul 5, 2019

What are the golden 5 compound lifts? ›

A compound lift, or compound exercise, is multi-joint and multi-muscle, and these five are the holy grail, topping the group for traditional best weightlifting exercises to form part of your resistance training program. These are the bench press, squat, shoulder press, pull-up and deadlift.

What is the 5 5 5 workout? ›

You can focus 100% on lifting while we plan your 5×5 workouts for you. 5×5 means five sets of five reps with the same weight. Squat 5×5 225lb means you Squat 225lb for five reps, rest about 3min and then Squat your second set of five reps with 225lb. Repeat until you've done five sets.

What happens if you only do compound exercises? ›

Should You Focus Primarily on Compound Exercises? The short answer is yes. Although it depends on the goals of the client, compound exercises produce strength, power, and muscle gains. They increase testosterone and growth hormone, which is responsible for building muscle and burning fat.

Is compound or isolation better for fat loss? ›

Benefits of compound exercises

They keep your heart rate up higher than isolation exercises due to using large groups of muscles together which will lead to improved fitness levels and the burning of more calories during the same time period. This makes compound exercises ideal for fat loss.

Why do compound exercises burn fat? ›

You burn more calories

Since compound lifts require you to use more muscle mass, they also require much more energy. A weighted squat, for example, uses all the muscles in your leg, as well as your core and forearms.

Do compound exercises burn calories? ›

Compound exercises, like planks, renegade row, and jump squats, get your heart pumping while also strengthening your muscles. Compound exercises help burn calories since they require a lot of energy. Listen to your body when you exercise, and talk to a healthcare provider if you have discomfort or pain.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.