7 Resistance Band Exercises for a Full Body Workout (2024)

Are you ready for a portable, effective and low impact resistance band workout that you can do anywhere, anytime? This full body banded workout below willgive you a great pump while burning a lot of calories fast. If you are already in great shape, you can consider this a great maintenance workout, and if you are a beginner, consistent workouts like this will definitely help you to build muscle and strength.

Are you ready? Let's get into it...

Full Body Resistance Band Workout


  • 7 Exercises
  • 10 repetitions each exercise
  • No rest between exercises
  • 3 rounds
  • 30-second rest between each round


  1. Squat
  2. Shoulder Press
  3. Straight Leg Deadlift
  4. Overhead Triceps Extension
  5. Seated Row
  6. Standing Chest Press
  7. Biceps Curl

If you know how to do all of these exercises, there's no more time to waste - go workout!

SFS FIVE Resistance Band Workout Package

If you want to check on form & technique for each exercise in this full body resistance band workout, continue reading on...

The 7 Resistance Band Exercises In This Full Body Workout

1. Resistance Squat:

How to:

  1. Stand with both feet on band shoulder-width apart. With your toes facing slightly outward.
  2. Squat down then pull the band over your head and put on your upper-back, across shoulders.
  3. Reach to your sides and hold the band with both hands.
  4. Keep your back rigid, shoulder blades engaged and chin up then push through your heels into the ground and stand straight up.
  5. Make sure to push your butt back so that you’re never passing your knees over your toes.


  • Don’t lift heels off the ground, push through them instead! Keep your chip up!
  • Wrap the bands around your feet for a more tension and band security.

Target: A calorie buster, this exercise makes your largest muscles work hard including your lower legs, hamstrings, quads, glutes, and core.

Related: Squats Variations with Resistance Bands

2. Resistance Band Shoulder Press (Behind the Neck):

How to:

  1. Pull the band up into a shoulder press position.
  2. Press the band overhand, pushing out with your hands slightly as it comes overhead.
  3. As you lower the band down, bring it down just behind the back of your head.
  4. Go as low as you can comfortable go, then press back up overhead. Bring the band back down behind your neck.
  5. One the last rep, lower down to the front of your head, then carefully lower the band down (don't just let it snap down to the ground).

Tip:Keep core engaged with your back straight.

Target:The shoulder does most of the heavy lifting accompanied by the triceps and back.

Related:Best Resistance Band Shoulder Exercises

3. Straight Leg Banded Deadlift:

How to:

  1. Stand on the band with both feet hip-width apart.
  2. Reach down by bending at the hips and keep your back straight then grab the bands with both hands.
  3. Pull yourself up by using your core and lower back while hinging at the hips.
  4. Keep your knees ever so slightly bent and your back straight.


  • Don’t use your arms to pull up during the movement.
  • Make it more difficult by looping the bands around your feet.

Target:A big lift, that activates and strengthens lats, hamstrings, hips, glutes, core and lower back.

Related: Deadlift Variations with Resistance Bands

4. Overhead Tricep Extension:

How to:

  1. Stand on band with your right foot.
  2. Grab the band with your right hand and raise above your head.
  3. Keep your elbow in a fixed position then extend hand upward until your arm is fully extended.
  4. Lower band in a controlled motion until elbow is bent at 90 degrees.


  • Keep your back straight, core tight.
  • Avoid movement in the upper arm and elbow.

Target:Tighten and tone triceps and forearms.

Related:Best Resistance Band Tricep Exercises

5. Seated Rows:

How to:

  1. Sit on the ground and put the band around your feet, loop once over to keep secure.
  2. Grab the band with both arms extended out in front.
  3. Keep your legs straight, back straight and chest up.
  4. Pull the band back by squeezing your shoulder blades together, engaging your back, lats, and biceps.
  5. Slowly let the band return to original starting position.


  1. Keep knees slightly bent and don’t rock back and forth.
  2. Tighten abdominal muscles; don’t over use your arms or shoulders.

Target:Strengthens back, shoulders (rear delts) and biceps.

Related: Best Resistance Band Back Exercises

6. Standing Chest Press:

How to:

  1. Grab the band with both hands so the band is wrapped behind your back and behind your upper arms.
  2. Push outward away from your body, extending both arms with your hands meeting in the middle of the movement.
  3. Return the band to starting position in a slow controlled motion.


  • Pause briefly while contracting your chest muscles.
  • Keep shoulder blades back.

Target:Tighten and strengthen chest and triceps.

Related:Best Resistance Band Chest Exercises

7. Bicep Curls:

How to:

  1. Stand on the band with both feet hip-width apart.
  2. Grab the band with your right hand.
  3. Hold elbow to your side and curl the band with your palms facing upward.
  4. Briefly pause at the top of the movement.

Tips: Keep back straight, core engaged and chest up

Target:Tone and strengthen arms.

Final Thoughts:

Resistance bands(a.k.a. Power Bands) are a fantastic training tool to add to your workout arsenal. Usebandswhen working out in the gym, throw them in your carry-on when traveling, use them for killer home workouts, orimplement them into a stretching routine to increase flexibility and mobility. Bands offer so many benefits.


For anyone who trains with bands, our SFS Band Workouts and Resistance Band Training e-Guide are must haves...

SFS FIVE Resistance Band Workout Package

Ourresistance band training e-guide. It has over 250 exercisescategorized bybuilding muscle & strength, mobility, flexibility, rehab, and more:


You can buy single or sets of resistance bands from us, SET FOR SET.

We have 5 different sizes to allow you to use the bands for all of their various applications.

Get yourself some Bands from us!

7 Resistance Band Exercises for a Full Body Workout (2024)
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