Teeth Whitening Machines | Esthetic Spa Equipment for sale (2024)

Professional Teeth Whitening Equipment
They say that the best accessory one can wear is a smile. And, what makes a perfect smile but pearly white teeth! The clamor for whiter teeth is on the rise and along with it are professional procedures that offer and guarantee a beautiful smile for everyone.

Teeth Whitening done by professionals is safe and makes use of equipment that is sanitary. This is a non-invasive procedure that does not entail any recovery time and it should not hurt, even for a bit.

This article will walk you through the brief definition of what Professional Teeth Whitening entails and what equipments are involved in the process. In the end, I hope that the process becomes less intimidating for those thinking about getting the procedure.
What Is Teeth Whitening Equipment?
Professional Teeth Whitening is often called In-Office Whitening. This is done by trained professionals and makes use of equipment that is vastly different from the equipment that is involved in Do-It At Home or DIY Teeth Whitening procedures.

The main chemical that is used in Professional Teeth Whitening procedures is Hydrogen Peroxide. The application of Hydrogen Peroxide is also accompanied by the use of lamps such as LED, Halogen, UV, or Laser lamps that the teeth are exposed to.
What Benefits Are Derived From Teeth Whitening Machines?
Professional or In-Office Whitening has a very straightforward benefit. It helps whiten teeth faster than teeth whitening kits that are applied at home. This is because the hydrogen peroxide that is used in professional teeth whitening procedures is stronger than the ones in home-use kits.

Professional Teeth Whitening also gives you the benefit of time-saving as the results are faster. In fact, it has been known that teeth can become immediately whiter by three to eight shades after a professional teeth whitening procedure.
Types Of Teeth Whitening Systems
There are two systems that are involved in Professional Teeth Whitening Procedures. The first is the use of a bleaching product. This involves the application of hydrogen peroxide gels on the teeth. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide ranges from 15% to 43% and depends entirely on the needs of the patient.

A Dentist is better equipped to assess the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide to be applied to a patient. The longer a bleaching agent the teeth are soaked the whiter the teeth will be.

One thing important to note however is that the lower concentration of peroxide means having to leave the solution on your teeth for a long period while higher concentration should not be on for long periods as this can lead to increased tooth sensitivity by dehydrating the teeth.

After the Hydrogen Peroxide is applied to the teeth, the teeth are also exposed to heat or light. The following light systems are often used:

  • Ultraviolet Light

Ultraviolet Light is also known as UV light makes use of magnetic radiation for teeth whitening. UV light is also the type of light that is used in Teeth Whitening laser treatments.

UV light machines entail professional training and are not included in any home teeth whitening kits. This is because too much exposure to UV light can cause burns that inexperienced people may accidentally inflict on themselves.

  • LED LIght

LED Light is an acronym used for Light Emitting Diodes. Unlike UV light LED light does not make use of UV rays for teeth whitening. Instead, it makes use of blue light to help increase and expedite the bleaching process

This is also the kind of light that is used for home teeth whitening kits.

  • Halogen Light

Halogen light makes use of a metal tungsten at a core of a bulb. This is also advised to be used professionally and is not included in the home DIY kits.
How Does A Teeth Lightening Machine Work
Teeth Lightening Machines operate in a very straightforward manner. Electricity allows the machines to emit light from the visible light spectrum. The kind of light produced depends on the kind of machine that is being used.

Professional Teeth Whitening Machines often make use of Halogen Light and UV Light. UV light specifically uses Ultraviolet light to help speed up the bleaching process. However, UV lights can be dangerous as they can cause burns and in other cases are also believed to be carcinogenic.

LED Lights are safer alternatives to UV light machines. They emit blue light and can easily dissipate heat therefore not causing any burns and any harmful side effects.

The use of lights in teeth whitening machines helps speed up the whitening process by speeding up chemical reactions that remove stains from the teeth. Thus, they become especially effective if they are applied together with a bleaching agent such as hydrogen peroxide.
Teeth Whitening Treatment
What Is Teeth Whitening Treatment?
Teeth Whitening Treatment is the process of applying a bleaching agent simultaneously with heat/light to remove stains from teeth. This can be done professionally or what is otherwise called In-office treatments or can be done at home using Do-It-Yourself Kits.

The bleaching agent commonly used in the process depends on the need or severity of teeth staining. The concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide is higher in professional procedures while DIY kits make use of lower concentrations for safer applications.
Who Needs Teeth Whitening Treatment?
People often turn to Teeth Whitening Treatments for reasons of vanity. After all, who wouldn’t want to show off their perfectly aligned, pearly whites on Instagram? However, certain conditions are not recommended to undergo Teeth Whitening Treatments.

Everyone will experience at least some degree of staining when it comes to their teeth. Drinking wine and smoking cigarettes for example are prime reasons for having yellow teeth. Teeth discoloration is also a normal biological process. Tooth enamel thins as people grow older thus, causing yellowing and discoloration.

However, certain conditions also cause yellow teeth but are not advised to undergo teeth whitening treatment. The list of these exceptions are as follows:

  • Children below 16 years old
  • Pregnant or lactating women
  • Those who have dental crowns, fillings, bridges, and implants.
  • Those who suffer from teeth sensitivity
  • Those who are allergic to bleaching agents
  • Those who are suffering from any dental disease such as cavities or tooth decay.

If you do not have any conditions in the exceptions listed above, then you are a perfect candidate to undergo Teeth Whitening Procedures.
Does Teeth Whitening Work?
Teeth Whitening is known to be a safe and effective way to remove stains from teeth and lessen discoloration. However, professional teeth whitening treatments work faster than at-home DIY treatments.

This is because professionally trained individuals such as dentists are more capable of knowing the bleaching agent that can be safely applied to a person. They are also able to make use of stronger light sources such as UV light to safely apply together with the bleaching agent without the patient suffering from burns.

Generally, some results can be seen immediately after a session. Generally, people have seen three to eight shades lighter teeth after their first session.
How Often to Get Teeth Whitening Treatment?
The frequency by which a person should get teeth whitening treatments is highly dependent upon the amount of discoloration that they have. Those who do not have severe discoloration are often advised to get this treatment quarterly.

However, smokers and heavy drinkers often suffer from more discoloration and are advised to come to see professionals for treatment more regularly.
What Are The Side Effects Of Teeth Whitening? Does it hurt?
Teeth Whitening Procedures and non-invasive. They do not require any anesthesia and should therefore not hurt. If you experience any discomfort at any time during the procedure you must immediately inform the professional/dentist and have the treatment stopped.

There are also some reported side effects of the procedure. However, these are rare and should only be mild. Some of them include:

  • Increased tooth sensitivity after the session
  • A slight tingling sensation
  • Teeth inflammation
  • Slight throat or stomach

How Many Teeth Whitening Treatments are Needed?
The amount of sessions for teeth whitening treatments is dependent on the needs of the patient. Some people need only one session to see results and are advised to get touch-ups every quarter or even just annually.

Those who have severe discoloration though might need more sessions but these sessions are best advised by a Dentist.
How Long Does It Take To See Results From Teeth Whitening?
Reduction of discoloration and whitening teeth can be seen immediately after the first professional teeth whitening session. Generally, teeth are observed to be three to eight shades lighter after the first session.

However, severe teeth discoloration might need more professional sessions. Also, Professional teeth whitening treatments can whiten teeth faster than DIY Teeth Whitening Kits.
What Is The After-Care For Teeth Whitening?
Professional Teeth Whitening is a non-invasive procedure and requires very minimal hyper care. It is only important to take care of your teeth and exercise good hygiene to reduce staining and keep the effects of the treatment longer.

Some of the activities that should be observed to keep whiter teeth longer are the following:

  • Avoid smoking
  • Avoid drinking tea
  • Avoid drinking wine
  • Avoid acidic and other caffeinated drinks
  • Brush Teeth Three Times a day
  • Floss Often

How Long Do Teeth Whitening Results Last?
The results of Teeth Whitening Procedures can last for six months to a year. This is highly dependent however on one’s habits. Drinking caffeinated drinks and alcohol will cause teeth staining as well as smoking cigarettes.

Can You Have Teeth Whitening After Botox?
There are no studies that have determined that Teeth Whitening procedures have any effects on a recently finished botox procedure. However, Botox might react to the light that is being used in Teeth Whitening Treatments. Blue light might not be a concern, but UV light might cause adverse effects.

Thus, it is better to err on the side of caution. It is better to wait 48 hours or even two weeks before availing of a teeth whitening procedure. Besides, the extended time that the lips must be extended to finish the teeth whitening procedure might alter your Botox results.

Teeth Whitening Benefits
The obvious benefit of getting a Professional Teeth Whitening Service is that it results in immediate whiter teeth. However, whiter teeth can also have other benefits such as increased self-esteem and better hygiene.

What’s more, this easy and non-invasive procedure does not take a lot of time and is worth every penny spent.
Teeth Whitening Recovery Time
There is no recovery time for Professional Teeth Whitening treatments. One however would need to wait for 48 hours before eating and drinking food and drinks that are known to stain the teeth.
Teeth Whitening Pros And Cons
Teeth Whitening is a relatively safe procedure. However, like all cosmetic treatments, it does come with a set of Pros and Cons.
Pros of Teeth Whitening Treatment
The main Pro of a Teeth Whitening Treatment is that it is a known effective procedure that results in whiter teeth. Whiter Teeth, in turn, helps boost self-esteem and makes one look more clean and hygienic.

Teeth Whitening Treatment is also a painless procedure that does not entail a lot of time to undergo and requires no recovery time.
Cons of Teeth Whitening Treatment
One of the cons of undergoing Teeth Whitening Treatment is tooth sensitivity. This is especially true for those who already have sensitive teeth, to begin with. Some gum, throat, and stomach discomfort can also be experienced but should not be extreme.

Teeth Whitening Treatments are also done to reduce straining and are not a treatment for cavities, tooth decay, and other dental problems.
Teeth Whitening Treatment Before & After
Photos are hyperlinked to their source website.

Teeth Whitening Cost in the US

The cost of teeth whitening treatments in the United States varies on the kind of procedure that would be done and the professional fee. However, the average cost usually starts from $500 but it can be as expensive as $1500.
How Long Is Teeth Whitening Treatment?
Teeth Whitening Treatment does not usually take long. It usually only takes about an hour to 90 minutes.
What To Expect After Teeth Whitening Treatment?
Teeth Whitening Treatment is a non-invasive procedure and is not expected to cause any pain during or after treatment. This kind of treatment also does not involve any recovery time. However, one needs to be more conscious of any discomfort that they might feel after availing of the treatment.

Those who have sensitive teeth might experience increased tooth sensitivity after the procedure. Some gum, throat, and stomach discomfort are also reported but these incidences are rare and mild.

Finally, those who have had this procedure are expected to refrain from eating and drinking food and drinks that might easily stain the teeth.
Are Teeth Whitening Results Permanent?
Teeth Whitening Results are not Permanent but they usually last a long time. This is provided that one takes care of their teeth and practice proper dental hygiene. Teeth discoloration is also a normal biological process and thus cannot be avoided. Therefore, there might be a need for annual touch-ups to keep teeth pearly white.

However, this entirely depends on the advice of a professional. Thus, it is better to consult first with a dentist to get their feedback.
What Are The Other Names Of Teeth Whitening?
Teeth Whitening Treatments are also called the following:

  • Teeth Bleaching
  • Dental Whitening
  • Dental Bleaching
  • Tooth Whitener

Performing Teeth Whitening Treatment
Who Can Perform Teeth Whitening Treatment
Professional Teeth Whitening Treatments are only done by professionals. These treatments are more commonly done by dentists as they are more able to assess the concentration of hydrogen peroxide that is best suited for the patient.
How To Perform Teeth Whitening (Steps and protocols)
Listed below are the steps that are done during the Teeth Whitening Process:

  1. Photos are often taken to determine the pre-treatment shade.
  2. The dentist will assess how strong the concentration of hydrogen peroxide to be used
  3. The dentist will also clean and polish the teeth
  4. An Optragate (cheek retractors) is used to keep the mouth open.
  5. The teeth are dried and a gel is applied on the gums to protect them from the hydrogen peroxide
  6. The Dentist waits until the get is hardened and becomes a barrier from the bleaching agent to be used.
  7. The bleaching agent is applied to the teeth
  8. The teeth whitening machine is used to expose the teeth to light.
  9. This is done for 5 minutes
  10. The bleaching agent is removed with gauze and reapplied.
  11. The teeth whitening machine is once again used.
  12. Steps 8 to 11 are repeated 5 to 8 times.
  13. After the session, the bleaching agent is suctioned and the teeth along with the gum barriers are cleaned.
  14. Pearly White Teeth Result!

How Long To Wait Between Teeth Whitening Treatments?
The frequency between Teeth Whitening Treatments depends on professional advice. For some who do not suffer from severe discoloration, quarterly treatments are recommended. However, it is best to approach a professional to be able to determine the needed gap between each session.
Teeth Whitening Treatment Areas
Teeth Whitening Treatment For Extrinsic Teeth Stains
Extrinsic Teeth Stains are caused by food and beverages that people consume. These involve coffee, alcoholic drinks, teas, acidic fruits, etc. These foods come in contact with the outer film of the teeth called the enamel and thus, causing darkening or discoloration.

This kind of teeth stain responds well to Teeth Whitening Treatments. One session of teeth whitening can immediately lighten extrinsic teeth stains.

Teeth Whitening Treatment For Intrinsic Teeth Stains
Unlike extrinsic teeth stains, Intrinsic teeth stains come from the inside of a person’s teeth. This is often caused by the use of some medications such as antibiotics or a history of other dental problems such as tooth decay and cavities.

These kinds of stains are also harder to get rid of than extrinsic teeth stains. Intrinsic teeth stain are also very resistant to at-home teeth whitening products. Thus, professional teeth whitening treatments can help reduce the internal enamel stain and help bring back pearly white teeth.
Teeth Whitening Machine Maintenance
Teeth Whitening Machines must always be sanitary. This is especially important now that we are in a midst of the pandemic, anyone who is covid positive that has used the machine can transfer the virus to the next patient.

Make sure that the machine is thoroughly cleaned before each patient. You may use alcohol to wipe down the surfaces of the machine.
Teeth Whitening Training
Teeth Whitening in the United States is usually done by Medical professionals such as dentists. There are online sessions that can help train dentists to do this procedure. Professional Teeth Whitening procedures are only relegated to professionals as it makes use of higher concentrations of bleaching agents and also makes use of UV light that can be dangerous if handled by an inexperienced person.
Teeth Whitening Consent Form
Teeth Whitening Consent Forms should at least have the following information:

  • Name of the customer
  • Age
  • Contact number
  • Address
  • Question if they are allergic to bleaching agents
  • Do now have any fillers, crowns, etc.
  • Did not undergo botox for the past 48 hours
  • Signature

Benefits Of Teeth Whitening Machine For Your Spa Business
Offering Teeth Whitening services for a spa business is an advantageous and unique way to spice up the service offerings of your spa. You can use Teeth Whitening Professional service as a bundle to a full-body massage or a full-body scrub. However, you might also need to have an in-house dentist for this because teeth whitening procedures can only be legally done by licensed dentists in the United States.

However, professional teeth whitening machines need dentist advice to determine the concentration of the bleaching agent to be used. Therefore, customers should know that before undergoing the procedure, they would need to consult first with their dentist.
Instagram Hashtags For Teeth Whitening Procedure
Thinking of creative hashtags you can use to promote your Teeth Whitening Professional Service, then you can take the cues from below:

  • #BrightSmile
  • #HaloSmile
  • #LightUpSmile
  • #TurnOnThosePearlyWhites
  • #TheBestAccessory
  • #TalkLessSmileMore
  • #SmileBright
  • #GreatSmile
  • #HaveAGreatSmileAhead
  • #SmileEveryday
Teeth Whitening Machines | Esthetic Spa Equipment for sale (2024)


What is the highest rated teeth whitening system? ›

The Best Teeth Whitening Kits, According to Dentists
  • OpalescenceGo Prefilled Teeth Whitening Trays, Set of 10. ...
  • Burst Prefilled Whitening Trays, Set of 3. ...
  • PhilipsZoom NiteWhite Kit, Set of 3. ...
  • Dr. ...
  • Colgate Optic White ComfortFit Teeth Whitening Kit. ...
  • Auraglow Teeth Whitening Kit. ...
  • Crest3D Whitestrips, Pack of 22.
Sep 20, 2023

What equipment is used for teeth whitening? ›

When it comes to whitening, patients have three main options: Chairside Whitening Systems and Dental Bleaching Light Systems, In-Office Dental Bleaching Kits and Home Dental Bleaching Kits. Chairside whitening offers immediate results as well as dramatic changes in tooth shade.

Can I start my own teeth whitening business? ›

Teeth Whitening Business Profit

Tooth whitening is a great business because of the low investment and high profit margins. You can get started for under $1,500 and charge around $150 per customer. This means that you could pay off your investment very quickly (basically after around 10 customers).

How much does a whitening kit cost? ›

Generally, their cost ranges from $5 to a staggering $200. On average, whitening products or kits that you can buy at your local drugstore or supermarket range from $5 to $40. This makes them an affordable alternative to professional teeth whitening treatments.

What is the latest technology for teeth whitening? ›

Laser teeth whitening is a professional bleaching procedure that uses a light-activated whitening gel and a laser, says Rubinov. “The laser helps activate the chemical makeup of the bleaching solution so it can better penetrate your teeth for more effective results,” he says.

What whitens teeth really fast? ›

A mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide has been proven to work in some cases for instant results in a pinch. Combine two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with one tablespoon of baking soda. Mix it until it becomes a paste and use it to brush your teeth.

What strength whitening do dentists use? ›

Tooth whitening is most often done using peroxide-based bleaching agents. At-home systems contain from 3% to 20% peroxide (carbamide or hydrogen peroxides). In-office systems contain from 15% to 43% peroxide. Generally, the stronger the solution and the longer you keep it on your teeth, the whiter your teeth become.

Does hydrogen peroxide whiten teeth? ›

Hydrogen peroxide is a common and effective active ingredient in many commercial teeth whitening solutions. Products containing peroxides, such as hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide, act as bleaching agents to change the color of the teeth.

Does charcoal whiten teeth? ›

Activated charcoal in toothpaste may help remove surface stains on your teeth. Charcoal is mildly abrasive and is also able to absorb surface stains to some degree. There is no evidence, though, that it has any effect on stains below a tooth's enamel, or that it has a natural whitening effect.

How much does it cost to start a teeth whitening business? ›

How much does it cost to start a teeth whitening business? You can start a teeth whitening business from under $1,500. Starting a teeth whitening business can be a great way to make a profit while providing a useful service.

Do you have to be qualified to do teeth whitening? ›

Only go to a registered dental professional for teeth whitening because whitening by people who aren't qualified, for example in beauty salons, is illegal. Home kits also carry risks. Talk to your dentist first, before using a home kit.

Do you need a license to perform cosmetic teeth whitening treatments in most states? ›

Teeth Whitening Licenses are required if your business is located in specific states around the country. Texas is one state where you do not need a license. California and Florida on the other hand, are two states that do require your business to hold a license.

Why is teeth whitening so expensive? ›

Professional in-office whitening treatments use much stronger levels of bleaching agents than at-home or over-the-counter whitening products. That does make it more expensive, but it means that you can achieve much more dramatic results from your whitening. Faster results.

Are home teeth whitening kits worth it? ›

Although home teeth whitening kits can be effective in whitening teeth, they can only really whiten teeth by a few shades. If you want a drastic change in teeth whiteness (i.e. you have severe teeth staining), home teeth whitening kits may not be enough. You may need multiple tries.

Does baking soda whiten teeth? ›

Baking soda can be used with some water to remove the stains on the surface of the teeth. It can also be used with hydrogen peroxide to enhance its whitening effects. Baking soda can be used by individuals with regular toothpastes too. It is also used commercially in some teeth whitening products and toothpastes.

Can yellow teeth become white again? ›

What Can Be Done to Whiten Yellow Teeth? If you're looking for a radical change in the coloring of your teeth, you need professional-grade whitening to get the job done. Your cosmetic dentist can provide treatment that penetrates deep into the enamel and removes years of stains with a powerful bleaching agent.

What is the least damaging way to whiten your teeth? ›

Baking Soda: As long as you are careful to brush gently, baking soda can eliminate stains from the surface of your teeth without damaging them. Whitening Strips: Whitening strips mold to the shape of your teeth to whiten them. Whitening strips are both safe and effective.

What teeth whitening doesn't ruin teeth? ›

Oral Essentials Lumineux Whitening Kit

These whitening strips offer the benefits of Crest's whitening strips but without harsh ingredients like peroxide. Instead, these strips break up and lift stains using ingredients like sage oil, coconut oil, sea salt, and lemon peel oil.

What percentage teeth whitening do dentists use? ›

Tooth whitening products containing or releasing between 0.1% and 6% hydrogen peroxide can ONLY be sold to dental practitioners; For each cycle of use, the first use can ONLY be carried out by dental practitioners or under their direct supervision, if an equivalent level of safety is ensured. whitening.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.